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The struggle is real

The struggle is real

So, this year has not got off to the start that I had wanted it to, and I found myself in January weighing more than I had in 5 years, although I think it’s safe to say that most people find themselves with a few extra pounds at the start of the year, and it’s nothing a little extra effort in the gym will soon those extra pounds drop off. Despite my efforts I can’t seem to shift those extra unwanted lbs. o my attention the last month has turned to why I am not able to shift those lbs.





There are various reasons I have come up with as to why I may be struggling, I think the most likely causes is stress, it has been pretty hectic at work since the beginning of January, and I believe the Depo-Provera injection (this is the contraceptive injection) has something to do with it.

With the hectic schedule I have been faced with at work I have also struggled to find the time to get myself out on the road. When I have been able to take time off play has been stopped by Beasts from the east and all sorts of unappealing weather conditions…. It’s never been much of a secret that I am a fair weather cyclist. I have only really manged to fit in the odd commute or braved a quick 20 miles with a coffee break in the middle. Feels like this winter has been far longer than last year.










I now find myself in a position where I feel like I’m starting from scratch and seriously lacking in confidence and with pretty much no motivation, I one of my biggest down falls is the fear of not living up to expectations and these are not usually the expectations of what others think of me but my own, the fear of not finishing an event in a time that I feel is acceptable or a time that I have achieved previously, but I need to stop this fear getting in the way of me taking part in things I enjoy.

Moving forward here is what I will be doing to help keep myself motivated

  • Setting myself an achievable goal, so I have signed myself up for Swansea Triathlon taking place in just 4 weeks, my confidence issues has meant that I have not taken part in a triathlon in two years, but I am now feeling left out, I have never been very good at tri (usually end up dragging myself around) but I know the thought of being able to cross that line will always give me the push I need.
  • Planning, I have never been very good at planning my training, just usually rock up at the gym and see what I feel like doing, so getting myself booked in to classes, with my PT or arranging to train with friends will always give me that push as I will never like to let anyone down.
  • Make it fun, of course much easier now the weather has drastically improved, and also keep it varied swimming, cycling, running, rowing, weight training. It will be much easier to keep trying if I don’t get bored of my workouts.
  • Record my progress, I will keep note of run times/distances, pool visits, weights lifted etc just to be able to remind myself of how far I’ve come.